Kak Nora kembali dengan nasihat untuk bulan Ramadan ini. “Jangan makan hati dengan orang yang ting tong,” ujar idola tersohor Shanon Shah. Umat Islam “akan lebih senang berfungsi apabila dikelilingi dengan orang yang tidak ting tong. Dan moga-moga Allah memberkati usaha kita untuk membuat baik di dunia,” tambahnya lagi dalam artilkelnya yang menyentuh perkembangan di Malaysia.
Why Malaysia needs the national unity bills
Holding Court by Ding Jo-AnnTHE three proposed “unity bills” drafted by the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) to replace the Sedition Act 1948 have recently come under attack for being anti-monarchy, anti-Islam and anti-Malay. Are these claims true? What do the bills actually establish?
Najib’s failure
Shape of a Pocket by Jacqueline Ann SurinConsidering Najib’s failures as prime minister and Malaysia’s direction under his leadership, was it really a tribute when he attributed who he is today to his dad Tun Abdul Razak Hussein?
Kidex and the law – What the government’s not telling you
Ampersand by KW MakTHE Kinrara-Damansara Expressway (Kidex) project has certainly been the talk of many angry Petaling Jaya (PJ) residents these past two months. There has been much debate for and against the project. Its concessionaire Kidex Sdn Bhd says it will ease traffic congestion in PJ and have spillover economic benefits. PJ residents however fear increased noise, […]
Beyond Dyana Sofya
Holding Court by Ding Jo-AnnWhat exactly was discriminatory about the remarks made against the DAP’s candidate for the Teluk Intan by-election, Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud? How do such remarks go beyond Dyana Sofya and what needs to be done to combat such attitudes?
Uncommon Sense with Wong Chin Huat: Does Malaysia need hate speech laws?
By Ding Jo-AnnIt appears that open demonisation of minority groups such as Christians and Chinese Malaysians are becoming more commonplace in Malaysia. Does Malaysia need laws to prohibit hate speech? The Nut Graph asks political scientist Dr Wong Chin Huat.
Hukum Hudud Mendiskriminasi Wanita
Asam Pedas oleh Norhayati KaprawiHukum hudud sekali lagi menjadi isu di Malaysia. Norhayati Kaprawi bertanya, apakah objektif sebenar hukum hudud dan apakah ia peka terhadap keadilan gender bagi wanita di Malaysia?
Siapa yang mencemarkan imej Islam?
Asam Pedas oleh Norhayati KaprawiBenarkah orang-orang dan perayaan bukan Islam menggugat Islam di Malaysia? Dan apakah patut pemimpin Islam melakukan kekerasan dan diskriminasi terhadap orang bukan Islam sepertimana yang dilakukan oleh Jais terhadap Persatuan Bible Malaysia minggu lalu?
Beyond the Shia “threat”
Holding Court by Ding Jo-AnnUmno and the Home Ministry, which the party’s vice-president is minister of, have proposed a constitutional amendment to stipulate that Islam in Malaysia is of the Sunni sect. Would such an amendment to the federal constitution be possible? And if so, what are the ramifications?
Mengapa Sesetengah Orang Islam yang Alergi dengan Hak Asasi Manusia?
Asam Pedas by Norhayati KaprawiBaru-baru ini, Jakim telah menyatakan bahawa NGO-NGO yang berjuang untuk hak asasi di Malaysia sebenarnya mencabar kedudukan Islam. Mengapa hak asasi manusia dan hak kebebasan sering dianggap ciptaan atau agenda Barat dan Yahudi? Bukankah hak asasi manusia juga merupakan sesuatu yang asas dalam Islam?