ORANG Islam marah kalau orang Barat atau orang bukan Islam tuduh Islam disebarkan melalui mata pedang. Maknanya, orang Islam akui bahawa berdakwah atau mengamalkan Islam melalui peperangan, kekerasan, penindasan, penganiayaan, diskriminasi atau cara autokratik bukanlah cara yang mulia dan yang boleh dibanggakan.
Maka ulama, ustaz dan ustazah pun seringlah berceramah tentang keadilan, kasih sayang, kesabaran, hikmah, keindahan dan kelembutan Islam. Mereka akan bercerita tentang betapa lemah lembut, pengasih, adil dan beradabnya Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
Persoalannya sekarang, apakah ajaran Islam itu semua semakin tidak dihayati oleh umat Islam dan oleh ahli-ahli agama sendiri? Mengapa bila berhadapan dengan masalah di dalam masyarakat, segala teori, rhetorik dan ajaran Islam semuanya seperti dicampak ke laut? Mereka sendiri melakukan perkara-perkara yang bertentangan dengan prinsip Islam dan tak ikut ceramah dan ajaran mereka sendiri.

Tidak menghayati agama sendiri
Saya sendiri belum pernah terbaca sebarang riwayat yang menunjukkan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w memerintahkan para sahabat, atau para sahabat sendiri terutamanya Abu Bakar, Umar, Uthman dan Ali (yang kemudiannya menjadi Khalifah) yang mahu membunuh, mencederakan atau menangkap orang-orang yang menghina Rasulullah s.a.w. pada masa itu.
Mungkin kerana mereka tahu bahawa baginda sendiri tidak akan merestui sikap “membalas kejahatan dengan kejahatan”. Ia kerana mereka melihat sendiri betapa Nabi Muhammad membalas cacian dan hinaan dengan sabar, kelembutan dan kasih sayang.
Lalu mengapa bila ada filem, buku, video, atau tindakan yang dianggap sebagai menghina Nabi atau mengejek umat Islam, sesetengah tokoh agama terus naik angin, memaki hamun, mengamuk dan menyeru atau setidak-tidaknya enggan menegur tindakan keganasan seperti membakar bangunan dan membunuh orang?

Lihat saja reaksi sesetengah agamawan dan umat Islam dalam menanggapi isu kartun Denmark, buku Salman Rushdie, filem “The Innocence of Muslims” dan baru-baru ini, isu Alvivi dan juga isu Maznah Mohd Yusof dengan anjingnya.
Al-Qur’an ramah pada anjing
Dalam kes Maznah, reaksi keras sesetengah agamawan dan umat Islam membuatkan kita tertanya, siapa yang lebih menjiwai Islam sebenarnya — agamawan yang mencaci dan mahu menghukum beliau, ataukah Maznah yang kasih dan prihatin pada semua binatang, termasuk anjing.
Bukankah agamawan sendiri juga yang sering menceramahkan hadith sahih (Sahih al bukhari: Jilid 4, Kitab 54, No. 538) yang mana Nabi Muhammad s.a.w bersabda bahawa seorang pelacur telah diampunkan Allah s.w.t. kerana dia pernah beri minum anjing yang kehausan?
Bukankah semua ulama tahu bahawa Al-Quran di dalam Surah al-Kahf (18) menyebut dan menceritakan kisah anjing selama beberapa kali, semuanya dalam bentuk yang baik seperti kisah anjing yang menjadi teman dan penjaga pada pemuda-pemuda yang tidur lama di dalam gua. Juga di Surah al-Ma’idah (5) bahawa umat Islam dibenarkan memakan haiwan yang ditangkap oleh haiwan pemburu seperti anjing (al-Qardhawi menyebut anjing sebagai sebahagian haiwan pemburu)?
FIkirkanlah, jika anjing itu binatang najis dan terlaknat, takkanlah umat Islam dibolehkan makan binatang yang ditangkap oleh anjing pemburu? Jelas dan nyata bahawa Al-Qur’an tidak pernah mencela dan menghina anjing. (Mungkin ramai orang Islam terkejut jika menyedari bahawa sebenarnya, Al-Quran malah tidak ada menyebut kucing walau sekali pun.)
Islam jamin keadilan pada orang bukan Islam

Dalam isu “rampas mayat” dan isu penukaran agama anak-anak bawah umur tanpa persetujuan ibu kandung mereka, sesetengah tokoh dan pertubuhan Islam di Malaysia mengambil pendirian bahawa hak orang Islam yang harus lebih diutamakan. Mereka seperti mengatakan bahawa Islam tidak mengiktiraf hak orang-orang bukan Islam dalam mendapatkan keadilan.
Namun, bukankah orang-orang Islam sendiri yang begitu bangga menceritakan betapa adilnya kerajaan Islam di Sepanyol dulu? Betapa pemerintah Islam waktu itu tidak menganiayai dan mendiskriminasi orang-orang bukan Islam iaitu Kristian dan Yahudi? Bukankah agamawan sendiri yang sering bercerita bagaimana Sayidina Ali terpaksa merelakan pelana kudanya diambil oleh lelaki bukan Islam kerana beliau (Ali) gagal mengemukakan bukti bahawa pelana itu memang miliknya?
Jadi ya, agamawan dan orang Islam tahu bahawa berdakwah atau mengamalkan Islam melalui peperangan, kekerasan, penindasan, penganiayaan dan diskriminiasi bukanlah cara yang mulia dan yang boleh dibanggakan.
Islam menghormati hak asasi orang yang melakukan maksiat
Kitab-kitab klasik menceritakan bagaimana Sayidina Umar sendiri, yang merupakan seorang Khalifah dan ahli agama, pun pernah dimarahi dan ditegur oleh orang yang diserbu kerana dicurigai berbuat maksiat di dalam rumahnya.

Orang itu mengingatkan Umar bahawa Khalifah (atau pihak berkuasa) pun tidak boleh:
i) dengan sengaja mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain
ii) bahawa Khalifah (atau pihak berkuasa) pun tidak boleh sesuka hati meredah masuk rumah orang tanpa izin mereka
iii) pihak berkuasa pun tidak boleh menggunakan cara yang salah atau yang menyalahi adab sewaktu menjalankan tugas mereka.
Bayangkan, orang yang berbuat maksiat pun tahu dan berani mempertahankan hak-haknya dalam undang-undang (atau hukum hakam). Umar sendiri pun akur dengan hak-hak orang itu sehingga Umar memohon maaf dan tidak jadi menangkap orang itu.
Begitu juga, ulama, ustaz dan ustazah sendiri yang sering bercerita tentang kisah orang yang berzina mengakui dosanya dan bagaimana Rasulullah s.a.w. sedaya upaya tidak mahu menghukum orang itu. Pada mulanya, baginda berkali-kali enggan mendengar pengakuannya. Namun, apabila orang itu tetap juga membuat pengakuan, baginda seperti seorang peguambela yang mengemukakan pelbagai soalan agar orang itu tidak sabit dengan kesalahan zina.
Riwayat ini juga jelas menunjukkan Rasulullah berpegang pada prinsip “pesalah berhak diam demi melindungi dirinya dari dikenakan tindakan undang-undang” atau dalam bahasa Inggerisnya “people have the right to remain silent to avoid self-incrimination”.
Sepengetahuan saya, orang-orang yang pernah dikenakan hukuman kerana berzina bukanlah akibat mereka dihendap dan ditangkap oleh skuad moral (yang tidak wujud pun) waktu itu.
Maka, jika benar ulama, ustaz dan ustazah mahu berpegang pada ajaran Islam dan ikut sunnah Nabi, maka amalan menghendap dan skuad pencegah maksiat hendaklah dihapuskan.

Begitu juga, dari menambah mengapi-apikan orang Islam, agamawan sepatutnya meminta umat Islam bertenang dan menghadapi konflik dengan berhemah dan bijaksana. Cara sebegitulah yang akan membuatkan Islam lebih dihormati.
Agamawan haruslah mengambil iktibar dari riwayat ini, bahawa hak-hak asasi manusia tidak boleh dilanggar walau dalam apa keadaan sekali pun. Orang yang berdosa dan berbuat maksiat pun tidak boleh dicabuli hak-hak asasinya.
Jadi, siapa kata hak asasi manusia itu agenda Barat atau agenda kafir?
Maka, jika selama ini agamawan yang sering beri ceramah menasihati dan mengingatkan orang tentang ajaran Islam, mungkin agamawan sendiri pun harus diingatkan akan ceramah dan ajaran mereka sendiri agar agamawan tidak dikatakan “cakap tidak serupa bikin“.
Norhayati Kaprawi adalah seorang aktivis wanita dan juga pembuat filem.
farha says
saya sangat berharap dan berdoa agar agamawan/ilmuwan islam berubah menjadi lebih saksama serta peka (compassionate)
29 says
Agamawan di Malaysia(atau di mana2?), selain berfikiran jumud, hanyalah alat kpd Sang penguasa. Agamawan dan agama sendiri adalah alat Sang Penguasa untuk menunjukkan yang mereka ‘berjuang dan menegakkan ajaran Islam’, menggunakan dua cabang mereka iaitu Jabatan Agama dan Media. Mereka sendiri tahu sesetengah isu tak perlu dijadikan isu nasional, tapi bodohlah kalau tak amik kesempatan ni.
Walhal kita semua pun tahu, pak-pak menteri, kerabat dan VIP juga suka teguk arak di private party, dan berapa banyak orang melayu sendiri di kelab malam. Orang yang menyebarkan video lucah bukan saja tak ditangkap, malah media mempromosikan melalui pautan blogspot yang entah bila wujud. Kalau betul nak menjaga kesucian Islam, orang2 atasan juga mesti ditegur selambe. Jabatan Agama bekerja untuk Tuhan atau Kerajaan?
Tapi bila org kebanyakan buat silap sikit, lalu mereka dijadikan kambing hitam dan seterusnya jadi isu Nasional. Masih ingat Katrina, kes minum arak di Club Med? Serius? Rasanya Jabatan Agama tak payah pegi club med, masuk je mana2 kelab kat KL nih. Nak tak nak, kita kena pandang perkara ni dari sudut politik juga, sebab kebanyakan agamawan berjawatan tu adalah patung yang diletakkan oleh Sang penguasa sendiri, dan bukannya mereka sengaja cakap tak serupa bikin, tapi ada ‘tangan ghaib’ yang mengarah.
Pendek kata, nak jadi Agamawan yang berani tu namanya cari penyakit.
Abd. Hadi says
Zaman yang sdri ceritakan itu adalah zaman di mana Islam didaulatkan. Zaman kita ni, zaman Islam ikut selera pemerintah. Bukan pemerintah ikut kehendak Islam. Jadi tak bolehlah sdri buat perbandingan begitu dengan memetik cerita-cerita yang berlaku pada zaman Islam didaulatkan.
zul200289 says
Good read. Aku totally agree dengan apa [yang] ditulis.
The problem now is, IMO, orang-orang yang gelarkan diri sebagai “Ulamak” ni ingat diri tu hebat sangat, hence diorang start la cakap apa-apa yang diorang nak, influenced heavily by emotions, rather than bertenang dan berfikir dahulu. Or, even worse, diorang keluarkan statements just to advance their own personal gain. Or, even a lot worse, they think that they’re “privileged” because they are “ulamak”, and everybody should listen to them.
And, an even bigger problem, masyarakat Malaysia ni terlalu agungkan “Ulamak”. Sesiapa yang ada janggut panjang, pakai serban, tu dah kira “Ulamak” la tu. Sampaikan sesiapa yang kata “Ulamak” ni salah atau tak bersetuju dengan pendapat “Ulamak”, mereka akan dicemuh, dihina, disuruh “bertaubat” kerana telah bertentangan dengan “ajaran agama Islam”.
FYI untuk orang yang tak understand sarcasm, “Ulamak” yang saya tujukan dalam komen saya ini ialah:
– Orang yang ingat dia tu hebat, tinggi darjatnya dari orang lain, just because dia solat dan baca quran lebih sedikit berbanding orang lain.
Contrary to popular belief, just because you “read/solat” more does not mean you’re a better person than others. And definitely does not give you the ‘rights’ to say “I’m better than you cos I read Quran more, so listen to me […]!”
Actually, you can say, that the reason they read/solat more is due to “riak”, rather than because, they, you know, love doing it.
“Ulamak-ulamak” ni yang memburukkan agama Islam.
Protip: An Ulamak never thinks that he’s of higher darjat than everybody else.
However, major props kepada Ulamak yang actually amalkan ajaran Islam yang sebenarnya. Sadly, the good Ulamaks tend to be soft-spoken and avoid the spotlight as much as possible. Same thing with the bright minds of Malaysia, who always try to steer clear of politics.
Why? Cause politics is dirty. And once you get into politics, you become dirty as well.
Hence, most things we see are all dirt.
Bamboo says
Decide whether to write in BM or English. Don’t hybrid the language.
Facta, non verba says
Get a life!
Zul200289’s comment is excellent and the mixed Englsh and BM delivery is endearing and interesting. […]
ellese says
Norhayati’s writing is again a typical selective write-up on anything Islamic in Malaysia. She seems to tell half truths and is under a siege mindset that Muslims are upset because of a misguided understanding of Islam. She quoted sources of authority as if Muslims seems to be ignorant and objecting to them. The Muslims here object on different grounds and she is arguing on a different ground. This seems to be a trend of a selective people who proclaims to be champion of true Islam or in her words the agamawan.
This new liberal agamawan fails even to tell why Muslims here in Malaysia are adverse to dogs. My non Muslims friends know it but she pretends not to. So lets go back to basics 101. To many Muslims here who are Shafii they believe touching wet dogs and dogs saliva is najis. To the uninitiated human feces/shit or urine are najis to them. (Hope it gives non Muslims an idea of how impure a najis is) Now touching wet dogs and saliva is a najis of even a higher degree. It’s the highest form of najis. It requires a special cleansing without which one can’t even pray. Thus they try to avoid at all costs touching with the dogs. Its cumbersome. See how dirty in their views are touching wet dogs and saliva than even feces.
Despite this, we are not allowed to mistreat the dogs. For various reasons such as for security or blind purposes, Muslims are allowed to have dogs. Even in my own area of predominantly Muslims I introduced guard dogs and all of us have no problem. Just don’t bring the dogs into their homes unless there’s a thief to chase.
Having established the above, now what Norhayati blatantly refused to mention is the act of Maznah. Maznah published to the world asking people to celebrate Raya with dogs. Is this wrong and offensive? how does the Muslims view Raya? To almost all Muslims save maybe to Norhayati, raya is an occasion to celebrate with family after successfully completing an arduous one month long of religious fasting and activities. So what did Maznah do? This Maznah knowing full well how Raya is celebrated here, is telling the Muslims to celebrate with the dogs!!! Incredible!. If she wants to do on a private basis go ahead lah even though I may disagree. But what she did was to publish to the world to the Muslims here. And she expects people to post only “like” on her video? Didn’t she think people may object and scorn her with opprobrium? This is utterly senseless and insensitive. It is for this reason also I won’t ask the guards to bring the dogs around when we do a community Raya do. Do you think I can argue like Norhayati without inviting scorn from my Muslim neighbours for bringing the dogs to celebrate Raya at the same table with my neighbours?
This is how ridiculous, insensitive and disconnected this agamawan Norhayati’s position is. Maznah deserves the scorn she got. She was insensitive and couldn’t care less when she published to the world to invite Muslims. Don’t defend what’s patently an obvious wrong.
cjsavvy says
Ellese, Maznah was not asking the world’s Muslims, let alone the ones in Malaysia, to celebrate Raya with dogs. If she meant to do that, then she might have said so in simple words. But no, she was simply telling the world, of Muslims and non-Muslims, that personally she would celebrate Raya with her dogs. If everyone is simply going to follow the actions of whatever someone puts up on YouTube, or whatever, then the world is really going to the dogs.
Pei Ling says
Dear Ellese, at least the writer used hadiths to back up her arguments to challenge Muslims’ conventional perceptions about dogs. Perhaps you can enlighten us by backing up your arguments with the appropriate verse(s) from the Quran, hadiths or other Islamic text?
And what say you to an elderly Muslim couple who rescues stray dogs and care for them despite the conventional belief that dogs are “cumbersome” and dirty in Islam? http://vimeo.com/59077214
sweetpumpkin says
Ellese, you have decided to see what you want to see and thus, nobody can change your mind. Maznah’s video was 3-years-old and in it, she was just being herself, cleaning after her dogs, as she is a vet by profession and does take in pets to care after them. These are her dogs and just because she’s decided to celebrate Raya with her dogs doesn’t mean YOU can’t enjoy your Raya with your human family. But if you feel like it’s distasteful, then it’s your opinion. But to blow this out of proportion like it’s the biggest issue in the world is just ultimately sad. I’m with Chetz! Malaysia needs more people like the writer of this piece.
ellese says
CJs and sweetp,
My goodness. I was wondering who would ask the questions you have. Thanks for the question. Actually I’ve answered part of it in my blog.
Now first, obviously you have not seen the video. It says “Selamat Hari Raya”. It’s a greeting to all including Muslims here. The fact that she published shows an intent to greet people including Muslims to celebrate Raya with dogs.
Once you publish, it does not matter what you think and [what your] intent [is]. It must be seen from what is a reasonable interpretation by the general public. Otherwise we can have an absurd position that every time you publish you can defame anyone by saying you didn’t intend to do so and thus not be liable. This is moot law which I think you all know.
My contention is that she knows what she’s doing is against the norms here and would offend many Muslims. She cannot now turn to say that she did not expect the brickbats. That’s pure hypocrisy. If she wants to do it privately, don’t publish. But she did kan?
On the 3-year argument, its immaterial, kan? This is a flimsy argument. Say if I just read a defamatory article which was written three years ago, don’t tell me I cannot act now since I just found out. This is a cheap political argument which cannot stand in any jurisdiction in the world.
Go to the point. She published a greeting to all including Muslims to celebrate Raya with dogs. It’s the same scenario if I asked the guards to bring the dogs to eat together with Muslims for a Raya do in Malaysia. Don’t tell me I can excuse myself from my Muslim neighbours saying I want to be kind to dogs. It’s stupidity. […] Don’t justify this.
Bamboo says
Timing is very essential at this point of time. After BN lost more ground in GE13 to Pakatan Rakyat, Umno has to recoup diminishing support by ‘defending Islam’. Moreover this is Umno party election season, so dig out a 3-year-old video and make a big hoo-ha out of it.
Flag of Truth says
cjsavvy and sweetpumpkin,
[…] The end cannot justify the means.
Norhayati Kaprawi says
First off, we have to differentiate religious practice with cultural norms. As explained in my article, the dog is mentioned in a good light in the Qur’an, and an authentic hadith even states that God forgave the sins of a prostitute just because she was kind enough to give water to a very thirsty dog. Hence, if the dog is such a despicable and ‘evil’ creature, why would God let the Prophet (pbuh) know that He was willing to forgive someone’s sin for giving water to a dog? So it shows that dogs are also loved by God and is in His care.
Secondly, Muslims should be mindful not to behave like spoil brats, lunge into attack mode and impose the harshest punishment possible whenever we feel hurt or feel people are not sensitive to our feelings. As also explained in my article, neither Prophet Muhammad himself nor any of his Companions retaliated when Muhammad (pbuh) was abused, either verbally or even physically. In fact, as has been shown by the Prophet, he always responded in kindness, even visiting an old woman who used to hurl abuse against him, and without the knowledge of the blind man who always cursed him, Muhammad pbuh often gave him food and fed him gently.
So the challenge is actually on Muslim religious figures and those who claim to be knowledgeable and who claim to want to defend Islam, to remind the Muslim community to be kind to others, to advocate and explain, rather than use power and might to punish people whom they deem as not sensitive to their normal (or set) ways in understanding the religion.
Many Muslims are still obsessed and want to throw tantrums about a Muslim touching a dog and totally fail to see the glaring abuse of power against Maznah who was handcuffed, denied her lawyer’s visit, and treated like a No.1 criminal in Malaysia. Surely the police and the Muslim community have many other urgent issues to address rather than spending their energy, resources and might to punish Maznah whose message was to be kind to God’s creatures including dogs.
neptunian says
Good luck on your advice. Check out Middle [East] news for examples of Muslim forgiveness…or maybe Pakistan…Oh I forget, why go so far? Just read Utusan.
ellese says
Dear Pei Ling,
Thank you for the comment. This issue has been debated for a thousand years. You can Google and find views in particular from the Shafie school. Please check specifically two sahih hadiths narrated by Muslims and Abu Daud on “qirat” and the inability of malaikat to enter the house. There’s also hadith by Abu Hurairah about why Muslims need to “samak”. To further understand the Muslim mindset here, you should also see how the great Imam Shafie and disciples argued why touching wet dogs and dog’s saliva are najis mughollazah. There’s a fiqh methodology of qiyas that is also employed. It’s widely available on the net.
If you are sincere in knowing the actual position, you try to understand from [the perspective of] Shafie Muslims in Malaysia how it’s najis mughollazah (the heaviest najis). See when do they have dogs in their house. That’s why in my neighborhood, I’ve introduced dogs and no Muslims, even the very religious, objected to it. Don’t be fooled by the new agamawan trying to paint the picture that it’s about mistreating dogs. It’s not about that. There are limits to what we do in society not to offend people. I will not bring dogs to celebrate Raya with my Muslim neighbours.
ellese says
Dear Norhayati,
There you go again arguing the mistreatment of dogs which is not why most here are offended. You define a problem that’s not in existence. Then say the Muslims here are wrong.
You have been selective in your writing. You did not quote a number of hadith to show why Muslims are adverse in keeping dogs as pets in their house. Why is it a najis mughollazah? How do the Muslims perceive dogs? And it’s not about mistreating dogs. Dogs are just like other animals but because of the najis mughollazah, many have steered away from dogs.
You are again selective in applying Rasullullah’s teaching. You did not even ask Maznah to apply the Rasullullah’s teaching. If one had followed Rasullullah’s teaching, one would not have published a video like Maznah did. We have been taught not to put ourselves in a place of fitnah like Maznah did. And mainly we would try not to offend and hurt others. That’s the reason why I and I even dare say, my non-Muslims friends, will never bring dogs to celebrate Raya with my Muslim neighbours. That’s why, if i did that, I will never argue with my Muslim neighbours who practise Rasullullah’s method of forgiveness while I don’t need to apply it in bringing the dogs to the Raya function. It’s hypocritical, kan?
I have a problem with the new breed of agamawan. They have been selective in applying religious texts. They don’t dare to mention contrary texts. They don’t bother to explain why others have different views, thinking they have superior arguments with their selective texts. And when I confront them with different texts and arguments, they start censoring. Why lah do we do this? Why must we mislead? Why can’t we close the gap? (Thanks The Nut Graph for not censoring contrarion views.)
This Maznah issue is simple. She published to the world knowing full well it will not be liked by many. If she can expect a like she must also expect the opposite. She deserves the brickbats for the “unthinking video”. But incarceration I think is taking it too far especially if she has apologised. But she hasn’t, kan?
sweetpumpkin says
I feel the crux of the matter is in the way we view the whole debacle and so it’s best to just agree to disagree.
While Ellese wants to apply the proper Islamic modest behavior of not putting oneself in a situation where ‘fitnah’ can be construed, the writer wants the so-called religious to practise the Islamic prophet’s kind and understanding attitude that extends forgiveness even to those who have insulted him.
I don’t see why Maznah has to apologise for wanting to do what she did. Which was to go against the so-called grain and do a Selamat Hari Raya video with her doggies. It’s insulting to some Muslims but please do not generalise. Some feel offended, some do not.
So what now? She has to apologise just because some quarters have got their knickers twisted in a bunch? In this day and age, she does not have to. Ellese, I applaud you for being sensitive to the ways of Islamic lifestyle. But I am afraid, even people of the same religion may not view the world through the same looking glass. That diversity is to be celebrated IMHO 🙂
Aero says
Still, these Muslims don’t go overboard when it comes to generalising offenders, whether they are Muslims or Buddhists whatnot. Riots in Myanmar should be a lesson to all and a grim reminder of religious extremism.
stewoolf says
Even as a non-Muslim, after understanding the gist of the issue from reading the article and comments here, I agree that Ms Maznah had not acted according to her faith. Obviously, she doesn’t agree with me as she refuses to apologise. So, what should the ummah do to her? Fine her, jail her, cane her, excommunicate her, or worse, take away the dogs which she considers family members from her!? Apparently, the Islamic establishment has not acted. Instead, she is investigated under the Sedition Act.
What could potentially have provoked harm or destruction since the publishing of her YouTube clip THREE years ago?? Of course, nothing except a republishing of the video with added provocative comments.
So, what to do? Settling it the Taliban way?? What about a gentler, polite and moderate approach?? Would a friendly visit from a neighbourly imam/ustaz, with understanding and wise advice, be more productive?
Is the “budi bahasa” many Malays profess only true on paper? Is a compassionate Islam just history??
As for her apology…Certainly, she could, would and should not apologise for her tender loving care for her dogs. I believe only The Almighty deserves one. Then again, it’s up to Ms Maznah to do so in private or in public.
Lastly, what is THE proper theological basis in Islam toward canines?? Is it identical to Judaism? Dog lovers cannot embrace Islam, and vice-versa, Muslims cannot be dog lovers??
neptunian says
As far as I am concerned, Maznah can interpret and practise Islam in any way she sees fit. She is not harming anyone except the pride and ego of those who have a narrow and bigoted interpretation of Islam.
The Shite interprets Islam differently from the Sunnis. The Sunnis run Malaysia, so the Shites are scum and deviants?! How does that work? Can’t wait for another 500 years to pass, when Islam progresses to the current state (20th century) of other religions. Too bad I will not be alive to see that.
Flag of Truth says
Who cares what you think about Islam? :). Islam doesn’t need to evolve like other religions because it is guaranteed by Allah to be the true path to Heaven :). As far as I am concerned, you need to brush up your knowledge about Islam before giving any comment. Why not do that? To TNG readers, do you hear any Muslim criticising other religions? Don’t start this because it will be a never-ending argument 🙂
Adam says
There you go again, asking people not to comment on Islamic matters as if religion is rocket science. It is not. We care enough to comment about such religious issues because of many reasons such as Maznah could be my daughter-in-law and Indira could be my sister. And those ladies caught for so-called immoral activities and treated shabbily without any human dignity are my fellow human beings.
The writer has come up with another thought-provoking article about not pratising what one preaches. While, action should speak louder than words, the authorities are acting the opposite.
The issue with dogs could easily be deliberated and resolved in a proper way. First of all, we have to find out why most Muslims fear dogs so much. The fact that it is ok to touch dry dogs but not wet ones and their saliva indicates that it could be due to the prevalence of rabies in those days. I too would not go near a mad dog with dripping saliva, what more with the tedious task of washing with 1 part earth and 6 parts water. Now, rabies could easily be detected and cured and we have antiseptic solutions to maintain cleanliness.
As for food caught by hunting dogs being allowed to be eaten, the logic is that if a dog could hunt, it is a healthy one and there is no issue as the food would also be cooked. So, Maznah celebrating Raya with her dogs should not be an issue as well. I am sure her family members and close friends would not mind celebrating Raya in the presence of her well-trained dogs. I would say she is a trendsetter.
On Indira’s case, it is just simply about being fair to both parents. In moral policing, it is better to use the soft approach and treat those caught in compromising situations with some human dignity and not take advantage of them. It is better to counsel rather than condemn.
As for Muslims criticising other religions, I just heard 2 highly “educated” Muslims speaking in a public forum of a Christian virus and accusing Christians of propagating pluralism.
ellese says
Neptunian typifies the same malaise as many Nut Graph columnists here. They want to apply their understanding of religion and worldview to interpret Islam and don’t even bother to understand learn and empathize how Muslims feel. Please, Islam has different logic and interpretation. It has a different moral code and worldview. Don’t try to tell others Islam should be this or that based on what you think. It has no value. For example, don’t push Moslems to accept dogs like the west. Just accept the difference and understand how we feel. It will go a long way to a harmonious nation. And please don’t brand people whom you don’t like such as calling names like agamawan. It can easily apply to the writer like I wrote above and it doesn’t add one bit to the discussion.
faraabdul says
You should see how the Maliki school of thought treats dogs. Much better than the Shafie school of thought believers.
[One] should [not be] a shafie fanatic. And so to other Malaysian Muslims as well. If your belief still clings to only one school of thought, then don’t preach about Islam is kindness, tolerance, freedom and whatnot. You are just being a hypocrite, which is glaringly common among Muslims today.
As for the hadiths, there are so many hadiths of sahih status which contradict each other. So why shouldn’t we select hadiths that we like as long as it is good? If you insist on following each of the hadiths, you’ll be very confused. Which is another malaise among Muslims. Too many contradicting sahih hadiths that you need ulama to interpret them. […]
Anyway, you are free to believe whatever u want. As both sides need to agree, you can’t force your beliefs on to others. What you are doing now ellesse is just that; stating due to some people’s sensitivity etc. Please ponder the concept of tolerance and forgiveness. Don’t support […] hypocrisy; talk about the gentleness of Islam and harsh punishments for a small mistake in the same breath.
Bamboo says
Digress a little, feedback for views about my previous comment. I am not saying we can’t mix English and BM completely. Like in Malaysian context…’political show’ will not have the oomph factor like ‘political wayang/sandiwara’.
My point is don’t hybrid the languages, then orang putih (who don’t know BM) and pakcik/makcik (who don’t know English) will not fully understand what is written. Neither here nor there.
As it is, is BM still BM? Many English and foreign words are adopted. I wonder if pakcik and makcik can understand BM in its current form?
End says
As-Salaamualaikum guys.
Interesting article by the way.
Al-Quran is without a taint but hadiths? If the hadith is not “Sahih”, refer back to Al-Quran.
In the Al-Quran there is nothing about the haram-ness of dogs, instead we can find the hadiths condemning these beautiful creatures of God.
Mind you. People can die from fever alone let alone rabies. With the age and techonolgy there are ways to cure it. So my suggestion is to review back the hadiths, and set the Al-Quran as a guideline.
Islam is simple and easy to understand. It can go along with modern times. I’m sorry if my english is bad.