We inadvertently used the acronym “Atif” instead of “Atip” for the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act. We apologise for the typo.
Engaging children through dance
By Ooi Ying NeeON 25 June 2008, Five Arts dancer-choreographer Elaine Pedley won a RM3,500 grant for her series of dance and performance workshops with children from Selayang in Selangor. The grant, which was given to seven recipients, was part of the The Annexe Central Market and Fashion Inc’s Grant For Grabs programme, set up to encourage and […]
Empowering women through media
By Ooi Ying NeeIN an effort to give space in the media to marginalised voices, the Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) held its second annual Community Audio Carnival in July 2008. The event comprised a radio production competition and a workshop that trained women and youth in rural communities in simple radio production skills. Supported by the Global […]
Saying “no” to the ISA: The sequel
By Jacqueline Ann Surin and Ng Boon HooiHOLDING candles, waving banners and chanting, about 2,000 people gathered and marched peacefully in downtown Kuala Lumpur on 27 Sept 2008 to protest against the Internal Security Act (ISA). The crowd, which began walking from two different meeting points — Central Market and Dataran Merdeka — started gathering at 7pm. When police prevented them from […]
Malaysia says no to Ringgit re-peg
PUTRAJAYA, 22 Sept 2008: Malaysia will not re-peg the Ringgit, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said today. "We are confident of the Ringgit’s position and it reflects the real value of the currency," he said in his first meeting at the Finance Ministry. At 9.08am, the ringgit was higher […]
RTM to restructure, go digital in three years
KUALA TERENGGANU, 22 Sept 1008: Radio Television Malaysia (RTM) is to undergo a restructuring over the next three years, with the emphasis on going digital and adding more regional and provincial news and issues on the RTM1 and RTM2 television channels. Information Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek said total digital broadcasting would be achieved two […]
A third force in Malaysian politics?
By Sim Kwang YangTHE departure of the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) from the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition in recent days could have impregnated our body politic with far-reaching consequences, even if top BN leaders have brushed the incident aside as something they long expected to happen. With only two Members of Parliament (MP) and four state assemblypersons, the […]
Raya and roadkill
By Hafidz BaharomCorrected on 29 Sept 2008 at 2pm The wheels on the bus go round and round… hopefully not into a ditch (© Rodolfo Clix / sxc.hu) ON 13 Aug 2007, Malaysians were greeted with the horror of a bus accident that cost the lives of 22 people. As reported in the International Herald Tribune: “’The […]
Hip-hop versi Islam
Oleh Shanon ShahThe Platform Magazine diterbitkan di United Kingdom TERUS-terang saya mengaku, saya memang takut dengan muzik hip-hop. Sebab bagi saya, hip-hop itu sinonim dengan pakaian longgar, air muka bengis dan senikata rap yang agak ganas. Jadi, memang terlalu out of character bila saya membeli majalah The Platform Magazine June-July 2008, tapi saya amat tertarik dengan labelnya, […]
Forced labour befalls Indian Malaysians
Translation by Sevan DoraisamyFORCED labour, schooling woes, the Internal Security Act (ISA), and the continuing struggles of Hindraf were highlighted in the Tamil press between 12 and 19 Sept 2008. On 14 Sept, Malaysia Nanban carried the shocking story of an entire family that was sold for RM4,500 into forced labour to a contractor. After escaping from the […]